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The 11th Official Meeting of the IPARD II Programme Monitoring Committee, held within the framework of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance-Rural Development- IPARD, assembled online under the chairmanship of Mrs. Ayşe Ayşin IŞIKGECE, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
“The Monitoring Committee Meetings are significant meetings where the course of IPARD Programme is monitored and programme topics are discussed. The negotiations conducted during those meetings and the decisions adopted steer the IPARD Programme. The IPARD Programme is a highly dynamic programme, which necessitates active working every single minute and has no tolerance for loss of time, and our Institutions are engaged in an extremely meticulous work to make sure that the Programme succeeds. With this programme, we are capable of creating production and employment opportunities, by multilaterally supporting farmers, producers and rural life, briefly investors and rural development, in the EU accession process of our country, Turkey”, Mrs. IŞIKGECE was quoted as saying in her opening speech.
Underlining how, as the Ministry, they have been continuously working for the farmers and producers and generating projects to resolve the problems of farmers and, in this context, the importance of the Programme, IŞIKGECE further said, “IPARD I Programme was successfully completed between 2007 and 2013. Throughout that process, 99.7% of the budget was used. Eleven thousand projects were supported, which were worth 1 Billion and 45 Million Euro (EU + Turkey Contribution) in total, and approximately 57 thousand people were employed. Our supports within the scope of the IPARD II Programme covering the years between 2014 and 2020 still continue. Nearly 333 Million Euro (EU + Turkey Contribution) was contributed to 5.567 projects that were completed by 30 April 2021. Around 249.2 Million Euro of that amount was funded by the EU.”
At the end of the meeting, briefing about the changes of HR members, checking the quorum for meeting and approval of the Agenda, acceptance of the previous minutes of the 10th IPARD II Monitoring Committee meeting and presentation and approval of the 3rd Annual Implementation Report have been unanimously accepted by the members of the Monitoring Committee. European Commission’s Head of Unit, Marius Lazdinis, and IPARD Turkey Supervisor, Krzysztof Sulima, delivered speeches and presentations at the meeting.
Dr. Osman YILDIZ, Acting Deputy General Director of Agrarian Reform and Head of IPARD Managing Authority; Dr. Muhammed ADAK, Acting President of the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (ARDSI); Andre Lys, Head of Financial Cooperation of the European Union Delegation to Turkey; Bartosz Przywar, Head of Unit; and Leyla Alma, Sector Manager for Agriculture; as well as IPARD Managing Authority experts, General Coordinators and experts from the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (ARDSI), National Authorizing Officers and Audit Authority Officials from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, and representatives from Public organizations/institutions and relevant Non-Governmental Organizations participated in the meeting.
The Managing Authority delivered presentations with regard to the Calls for Application, Contracts and payments, Publicity and information activities, Agriculture-Environment measure, LEADER and National Rural Network studies, Monitoring reports, within the framework of implementing the IPARD II Programme; activities carried out as part of the Technical Assistance Measure for 2021; and the studies and activities conducted within the scope of the 3rd Annual Implementation Report and IPARD III preparations. Furthermore, the National Authorizing Officer and Audit Authority officials also made informative presentations to the members of the Monitoring Committee. The 11th IPARD Monitoring Committee meeting, held with the participation of representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegation, was closed with good faith and wishes, upon agreeing that the next meeting will be held in November 2021.

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Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr