Measures Budget Contracted Projects Except Terminated Projects Aid paid to beneficiaries
Total Public Support
EU contribution 2014-2020
EU contribution
Number of completed projects
EU contribution
IPARD contribution
Total investment amount
101 Investement in Agricultural Holdings 448.560.000 336.420.000 472 95.499.081 123 32.397.657 43.189.428 63.316.856 9,62%
103 Processing and marketing 234.960.000 176.220.000 237 62.310.922 18 5.108.750 6.811.666 13.597.117 2,89%
302 Diversification 202.920.000 152.190.000 975 34.995.609 832 15.516.523 20.688.698 31.828.768 10,19%
Total 886.440.000 664.830.000 1684 192.805.613 973 53.022.930 70.689.792 108.742.741 7,97%
Updated 30.06.2018 *1: (A/G)%

The budgets allocated by EU on the basis of sectors and expense amounts are seen in the table above. Contracted budget expense amount rate for the Investments in Physical Assets of Agricultural Holdings (Measure 101) is 28,39%, for the Investments in Physical Assets Concerning Processing and Marketing of Agricultural and Fishery Products (Measure 103) is 8,2% and for the investments to Farm Diversification and Business Development (Measure 302) is 44,30%.


Support Amount Allocated on the Basis of Measures and Support Amounts Contracted and Paid
Measure Allocated Contracted Amount** Paid Amount** Rate (%)
Public EU(% 75) Public EU(% 75) Public EU (% 75)
a b c d e f c/a
101 692.041.904 519.031.428 855.018.023 641.263.515 687.701.470 515.798.546 124
Milk Producing - - 515.558.153 386.668.614 402.551.554 301.936.112  
Meat Producing - - 339.459.870 254.594.902 285.149.915 213.862.434  
103 170.731.255 128.048.441 231.436.490 173.577.367 170.621.338 127.966.003 136
Milk Processing - - 83.213.723 62.410.292 56.423.135 42.317.351  
Meat Processing - - 72.912.770 54.684.577 52.419.882 39.314.911  
Fruit and Vegetable Processing - - 63.219.985 47.414.988 53.877.428 40.408.071  
Processing of Fishery Products - - 12.090.012 9.067.509 7.900.893 5.925.670  
302 189.068.161 141.801.121 222.004.877 166.503.654 186.458.904 139.844.708 113
Diversification of Farm Activities - - 101.237.682 75.928.258 96.322.476 72.241.853  
Local Products and Handcrafts - - 50.561.357 37.921.018 39.688.163 29.766.122  
Rural Tourism - - 67.253.087 50.439.815 48.489.569 36.367.711  
Aquaculture - - 2.952.751 2.214.563 1.958.694 1.469.020  
501* 940.050 752.040 893.390 714.712 777.686 622.149 95
TOTAL 1.052.781.370 789.633.030 1.309.352.781 982.059.248 1.045.559.398 784.231.406 124

1 billion 45 million € (99,3% of 1 billion 52 million € sum of which is 789 million € EU and 263 million € TR contribution under IPARD I Programme) has been paid to the beneficiaries in line with the Programme targets.


The budgets allocated on the basis of measures and expense amounts are seen in the table above. Budget expense amount rate for the investments to the meat and milk producing enterprises (Measure 101) is 99,3%, for the investments to processing and marketing of meat, milk, fruit and vegetables and fishery products (Measure 103) is 99,9% and for the investments to diversification of farm activities (Measure 302) is 98,6%.

Table for Number of Projects
Measure Project Applications Taken Contracted Finalized
Meat and Milk Producing 3931 2447 2193
Milk Producing 2119 1236 1088
Meat Producing 1812 1211 1105
Processing of Milk, Meat, Fruit, Vegetable and Fishery Products 832 495 438
Milk Processing 324 192 165
Meat Processing 225 127 113
Fruit and Vegetable Processing 240 151 141
Processing of Fishery Products 43 25 19
Diversification of Farm Activities 11.809 8.319 7.995
Diversification 10.413 7.508 7.292
Local Products and Handcrafts 653 370 327
Rural Tourism 675 412 355
Aquaculture 68 29 21

As seen on the table above; 62% of the project applications on the investments to the meat and milk producing enterprises have been contracted and approximately 90% of the contracted projects have been finalized. 59% of the project applications on the investments to processing and marketing of meat, milk, fruit and vegetables and fishery products have been contracted and 88% of the contracted projects have been finalized. 70% of the project applications on the investments to diversification of farm activities have been contracted and 96% of the contracted projects have been finalized.

Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr