During the video-seminar which was held on July 7, 2020 by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, the online participants were informed about RDISP and IPARD programs under which our Ministry provides grants. Dr. Osman YILDIZ, Acting Deputy General Director of Agrarian Reform and Head of IPARD Managing Authority; Dr. Muhammed ADAK, Acting President of Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution; Dr. İlkay KILIÇ, Head of the Department of the Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment; Mr. Ali ELÇİN, Head of Rural Development and Loans Department; Mr. Salih ARIKAN, ARDSI Project Services General Coordinator participated as panelists while Mr. Yiğit ATEŞ, TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) Commodity Exchanges Director and Mr. Cahit CEREN, TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) Acting Director of SME Research and Consultancy Center participated as moderators.
In the video-seminar, presentations about IPARD and RDISP were made to more than 350 online participants who attended the seminar and it was emphasized that the investments made in the field of rural development were very important. Dr. YILDIZ stated that the participants showed great interest in the question and answer session and it is an indication that the support and information provided are very pertinent and concluded by saying that the support given to rural area and farmers will continue both in IPARD and RDISP.