“National Rural Development Regional Publicity Meeting” has been performed in Manisa on 22 March 2018.

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The Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment of General Directorate of Agricultural Reform has performed the first meeting for the publicity of “National Rural Development” established under IPARD Programme to support the objectives determined in the rural development programmes and to provide the information and experience sharing among all the stakeholders within the implementations on 22 March 2018 in OBASYA Rural Accommodation Facility in Yunusemre-Manisa. The publicity meeting on National Rural Network has started with the opening speeches of İsmail KAYA, Acting Director of Manisa Provincial Directorate of Food Agriculture and Livestock, and Uğur USLU, ARDSI Manisa Provincial Coordinator. 90 people participated to the meeting including H. Volkan KÖKSAL (Manisa Deputy Governor), Fatih AYAZ (Gördes District Governor), Erkut PAMUK (Selendi District Governor), Muhammet AKYOL (Mayor of Gördes), Hilmi YOLDAŞ (Branch Manager of Rural Development and Organization), District Managers, related public institutions, nongovernmental organizations, universities and representatives from Selendi and Gördes local action foundations built under LEADER measure.
Under the publicity meeting, Dr. Şenay SEVENGÖR from GDAR told that the implementation efficiency of IPARD Programme should be increased and successful examples should be generalized. She also mentioned about the rural development policy and financing opportunities and the importance of contribution of all partners included in the implementation. As in the example of European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) built among European Union member states, via National Rural Network, experience sharing between the experts making rural development projects, building of cross-border cooperation and conventionalization of good practice examples will be provided. National Rural Network will perform the rural development studies by establishing more powerful local, regional and national rural development connections.
Seher Muğla expressed that LEADER Approach includes the economic activities of the rural areas as well as the social, cultural and environmental aspects and is implemented to perform rural development via local rural societies and added that it will make a huge support to us for strengthening the connections in the rural. Muhammet AKYOL, Mayor of Gördes, has made a presentation on his “Local Action Group Experiences”. LAG of Gördes of Manisa, which is between 12 provinces that LEADER approach will start to be implemented in the first place has already started to work actively and has been selected as the central LAG of Manisa. The story of mesir paste, Manisa’s historical and cultural value and the symbol of love, tolerance, peace and brotherhood and also the story of its hero big doctor Merkez Efendi who marked 500 years as well as Sümbül Efendi were presented by the artists Çığla ÖZTAŞ and Volkan Fatih YILMAZ.
As the celebrations for Nawruz was begun on 21 March 2018 in Manisa and the national rural network meeting was a nice opportunity to gather different sectors on rural development, a janissary band show was organized by the Municipality of Şehzadeler. After telling the healing of Merkez Efendi’s mesir paste with fourty one types of spices for our body, graduate of Azerbaijan Academy of Fine Arts and breath trainer Dr. Züleyha ABDULLAYEVA established an interactive bond with the participants and carried out a study on them about the centre of our body and the importance of this centre.
President of OBASYA Tourism Development Cooperative Mustafa PALA stated that Yuntdağı region, where OBASYA Rural Accommodation Facility is established via ARDSI supports, is an area waiting to be put forward with its natural beauties and fresh air as well as the villages protecting their customs and traditions, he also expressed that there are members from all parts and different professions of the society and they believe wholeheartedly that studies for such kind of nice activities will continue to be performed.
The meeting has been adjourned with the performer of Ministry of Culture Rhythmotherapist Volkan Fatih YILMAZ’s interactive study related to the effect of voice on the body systems having rhythmic frequencies with special echoes and cellular vibrations.
Rural’s dreams are interlaced with nets…..

Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr