The 3rd Official Meeting of the IPARD III Programme Monitoring Committee under the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Rural Development Component (IPARD) was held in Ankara in a hybrid format (face to face/online) under the chairmanship of Osman YILDIZ, PhD., Director General of Agricultural Reform, Head of the Managing Authority.
The meeting was attended by Frank BOLLEN, Head of Unit of the EU Commission (DG-AGRI), Krzysztof SULIMA, Programme Manager for Türkiye of the EU Commission, Virve VIMPARI, Head of Section and Leyla ALMA, Agriculture Sector Manager from the EU Delegation, , PhD, President of ARDSI, National Authorising Officer and Audit Authority officials from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, representatives of relevant official institutions/organisations and relevant NGOs.
During the meeting, presentations were delivered by the Managing Authority, EU Commission, National Authorising Officer (NAO), Audit Authority and ARDSI to provide information to the committee members.
The meeting of the 3rd Official Monitoring Committee of the IPARD III Programme, which was held with the participation of the representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegation, has been concluded with expression of best wishes.
The meeting was attended by Frank BOLLEN, Head of Unit of the EU Commission (DG-AGRI), Krzysztof SULIMA, Programme Manager for Türkiye of the EU Commission, Virve VIMPARI, Head of Section and Leyla ALMA, Agriculture Sector Manager from the EU Delegation, , PhD, President of ARDSI, National Authorising Officer and Audit Authority officials from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, representatives of relevant official institutions/organisations and relevant NGOs.
During the meeting, presentations were delivered by the Managing Authority, EU Commission, National Authorising Officer (NAO), Audit Authority and ARDSI to provide information to the committee members.
The meeting of the 3rd Official Monitoring Committee of the IPARD III Programme, which was held with the participation of the representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegation, has been concluded with expression of best wishes.