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The 2nd Official Monitoring Committee Meeting of the IPARD III Programme implemented within the framework of the Rural Development Component of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPARD) was held in Nevşehir in hybrid format (physical /online) under the chairmanship of Dr. Osman YILDIZ, Director General of Agricultural Reform and Head of the Managing Authority.
In his opening remarks, Dr. YILDIZ stated that wounds of our country continue to heal after the biggest earthquake of the century stroke on February 6, 2023 and that our state is working hard with all its power so that our nation can return to its pre-earthquake normal as soon as possible.
Expressing that positive replies were received to requests, including the one-year extension of the closing date of the IPARD II Programme and certain exceptions related to damaged investments, YILDIZ extended his thanks to the Commission, stating that there is no doubt that their support will continue. In his speech, YILDIZ stated that the IPARD III Programme will start to be implemented this year, and stressed that the preparations for the implementation of the Programme throughout the country is being carried out with great dedication.
Following Dr. YILDIZ's remarks, Director General Frank BOLLEN and IPARD Türkiye Officer Krzysztof SULIMA from the EU Commission also delivered their speeches. The representatives of the Commission emphasized that the success of the IPARD Programme in Türkiye attracted attention. The meeting was attended by the President of ARDSI, Dr. Ahmet ANTALYALI, EU Delegation Agriculture Sector Manager Leyla ALMA, National Authorizing Officer and Audit Authority officials from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, IPARD Managing Authority and ARDSI staff, representatives of relevant official institutions / organizations and related Civil Society Organizations.
At the meeting, agenda items on information about the Changes in the Monitoring Committee Members, Checking the Meeting Quorum and Approval of the Agenda, Adoption of the 1st Monitoring Committee Meeting Minutes of IPARD III Programme held on June 15, 2023, and the IPARD III Programme Modification were approved. Detailed and informative presentations on IPARD III Publicity and Dissemination activities, Agro-Environment measure, LEADER and National Rural Network activities, and EBIT were delivered by the Managing Authority. In addition, informative presentations were delivered to the members of the Monitoring Committee by the National Authorizing Officer, the Audit Authority and ARDSI officials.
The 2nd Official Monitoring Committee Meeting of the IPARD III Programme held with the participation of the representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegation ended on a positive note, and it was decided to hold the next meeting in June 2024.

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Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE