Common Agricultural Policy Network (National Rural Network), August 28 - September 1, 2023;

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Field studies were conducted in Karabük, Zonguldak, and Bartın to introduce and establish the CAP Network (National Rural Network-NRN), engaging with stakeholders including public institutions, the private sector, NGOs, and universities focused on agriculture and rural development to form a local network. The activities have garnered significant interest from both public and non-governmental organizations... From August 28 to September 1, 2023, meetings took place with the involvement of the Karabük Governorship, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, and regional NGOs to advance the development of the CAP Network of Türkiye. During the meetings, efforts were made to establish connections with all elements of the countryside, embodying the spirit of the NRN with a philosophy of wholesome and uninterrupted communication at the local level. ... In Karabük, the central province overseeing Bartın and Zonguldak, representatives from all institutions and organizations associated with agriculture and rural development policies, along with stakeholders, convened during the 5-day meetings from August 28 to September 1. These sessions facilitated the sharing of information regarding the functioning, purpose, and objectives of the CAP Network, fostering the initiation of networks among participants. ... On August 28, 2023, Managing Authority Expert Esra ÇİĞDEM, accompanied by Provincial Director of Agriculture Çetin AYVALIK, Rural Development and Organization Branch Manager Erdal BAHAROĞLU, and Engineer Murat SETTAŞI, visited Muhittin GÜREL, Deputy Governor of Karabük. During the meeting, they provided information to GÜREL about the Common Agricultural Policy Network. Following the informational visit, the establishment activities of the CAP Network Karabük Regional Coordination Office were deliberated upon in a meeting chaired by GÜREL. ... After the Focus Group meetings on August 29, field visits were conducted on August 30, allowing participants to visit and observe on-site good practice examples. Interviews were held with women entrepreneurs, award-winning livestock producers and fruit producers, addressing rural expectations and challenges in-depth. Producers highlighted concerns and suggestions during the field visits, including topics such as saffron production, Safranbolu’ night lighting, establishing a local producer market, and emphasizing the significance of veterinary support in animal husbandry. ... As part of the CAP Network field studies, stakeholders received information about the CAP Network during the Stakeholder Group meeting held at the Karabük Provincial Directorate of Agriculture on August 31, and their opinions were actively sought and considered. ... During the Stakeholder Group meetings, consensus was reached on the potential of the region’s ecotourism, agro-tourism, and cultural values serving as catalysts for development. Participants expressed their aspirations for collaborative efforts in future endeavors.

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Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE