Study Visit to Latvia and Estonia on Rural Development Support Payment Procedures

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During the study visit to Latvia and Estonia conducted on September 25-29, information was obtained on all developments related to the Rural Development Programme in the country, control and management processes, facilitating the use of funds, simplification of documents used in before payment administrative controls and diversification of financing instruments.
Furthermore, on-the-spot observations were made for the processes from project application to final payment, software such as Electronic Application System, Project Management System, Payment System, Geographical Information System and Integrated Management and Control System used to extract data from all government agencies (invoices, certificates, etc.), and it as observed whether these software systems speed up the control process and saves from labour force.
Support recipient enterprises were visited. During these visits, the monitoring and control of the enterprises via drones and other control methods were seen and examined on site by the experts. Upon the studies carried out in relevant institutions and enterprises, under the chariemanship of the President of ARDSI, Dr. Ahmet Abdullah ANTALYALI, a technical assessment meeting was held with the participation of IPARD Managing Authority technical staff and ARDSI staff as the stakeholders of the process. During the assessment meeting, the experiences gained with the exchanges throughout the study visit were discussed.

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Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE