
After having planned everything, I Entered Into The Sheep Breeding Project

Beneficiary : Kenan Yılmaz

My name is Kenan Yılmaz, animal husbandry has been our main occupation for a long time and we have been dealing with cattle and sheep breeding in the Edremit district of Van. We are the third generation in this family-owned business, inheriting it from our grandfather. My brother Sabri Yılmaz is managing our company and he is also the Head of Van Red Meat Producers Union. We have learned from the Van Provincial Coordination Unit of ARDSI that the IPARD Programme supports sheep breeding and wanted to realize a milk production project for 500 sheep. As our region is convenient for grazing and sheep rearing, we decided to implement our project on sheep breeding. Having had 64 decares of land and well planned our project beforehand, we have not faced any problem. We breed ‘Nordus’ sheep race in our facility and we are 3 people are working here. As we have just established our enterprise, we cannot milk the sheep yet; however, after starting to milk the sheep, we will need 10 more employees in our facility. As I have just mentioned, this region is convenient for animal grazing, so we graze our animals during day time and keep them inside during the night. This enables us to decrease the operating costs of our enterprise. People come to visit our enterprise and want to learn more about the whole process. We are glad to acquire such an enterprise through the IPARD support and recommend those willing to establish a similar enterprise to apply for IPARD supports.

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Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr