Page 24 - _İUK v.5
P. 24
P Prroommoottiinngg ttrraaddiittiioonnaall ffoooodd pprroodduuccttss
P Prroommoottiinngg ttrraaddiittiioonnaall ffoooodd pprroodduuccttss
i inn MMaazzoovviiaa rreeggiioonn,, PPoollaanndd
i inn MMaazzoovviiaa rreeggiioonn,, PPoollaanndd
C Coonntteexxtt
with its different tastes and varieties.
C Coonntteexxtt
Other traditional products of the area were also exhibited
Local Action Group ‘Together for Radomka’ covers six
Other traditional products of the area were also exhibited
at the stand: honey from the Morawski family apiary
Local Action Group ‘Together for Radomka’ covers six
rural areas located in Poland’s Mazovia Region (Jedlińska,
at the stand: honey from the Morawski family apiary
(Pasieka Murawscy), bread baked from natural sourdough
rural areas located in Poland’s Mazovia Region (Jedlińska,
Przytyk, Przysucha, Wieniawy, Wolanów and Zakrzewo).
(Pasieka Murawscy), bread baked from natural sourdough
from the bakery ‘Wacyn’, apples and naturally cloudy
Przytyk, Przysucha, Wieniawy, Wolanów and Zakrzewo).
from the bakery ‘Wacyn’, apples and naturally cloudy
The LAG has been part of the Rural Development
juices produced by ‘Smaczek from Valley Radomka’, which
The LAG has been part of the Rural Development
juices produced by ‘Smaczek from Valley Radomka’, which
Programme since 2008, implementing a number of
is the Sadowniczy Holding run by the Bankiewicz family
Programme since 2008, implementing a number of
is the Sadowniczy Holding run by the Bankiewicz family
initiatives, aiming to increase the area’s attractiveness and
from Komorow. Others included fruit and vegetable
initiatives, aiming to increase the area’s attractiveness and
from Komorow. Others included fruit and vegetable
economic development. It has done this through local
preserves made by ‘Krokus’ company from Pajakow, and
economic development. It has done this through local
preserves made by ‘Krokus’ company from Pajakow, and
activities and use of the area’s unique natural, cultural
sausages produced by the Pysiak family from Zdziechow.
activities and use of the area’s unique natural, cultural with its different tastes and varieties.
sausages produced by the Pysiak family from Zdziechow.
and historical assets.
and historical assets.
2. Creation of the Culinary Trail of Southern Mazovia.
LEADER - AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ’NDEKİ BAŞARILI UYGULAMA ÖRNEKLERİ 2. Creation of the Culinary Trail of Southern Mazovia.
Culinary heritage was one of the key aspects. The project
Culinary heritage was one of the key aspects. The project
The main activities were preparing a multimedia film and
focused on developing and promoting local products, The main activities were preparing a multimedia film and
focused on developing and promoting local products,
a publication presenting the leading producers of the
entrepreneurs, and competitions for the best regional a publication presenting the leading producers of the
entrepreneurs, and competitions for the best regional
region’s culinary heritage.
Geleneksel Gıda Ürünlerini Tanıtmak products of Radomka Valley. It also participated in events region’s culinary heritage.
Geleneksel Gıda Ürünlerini TanıtmakGeleneksel Gıda Ürünlerini Tanıtmak
products of Radomka Valley. It also participated in events
dedicated to agricultural and food products - both
3. The organization of training courses, workshops and e-
dedicated to agricultural and food products - both
3. The organization of training courses, workshops and e-
traditional and regional.
learning opportunities.
PROJESI traditional and regional. learning opportunities.
A series of training courses and e-learning opportunities
A series of training courses and e-learning opportunities
O Obbjjeeccttiivveess
O Obbjjeeccttiivveess
were organised: the role of traditional products in rural
development, beekeeping, traditional meat production
development, beekeeping, traditional meat production
1. 1. To launch a strong brand to sell local and traditional were organised: the role of traditional products in rural
To launch a strong brand to sell local and traditional
and processing, culinary workshops with a focus on
products from Southern Mazovia in a more efficient
products from Southern Mazovia in a more efficient and processing, culinary workshops with a focus on - -
traditional cuisine of the Radom region, traditional and
way. traditional cuisine of the Radom region, traditional and
local products in quality food systems, and use of culinary
Radomka’yla Birlikte yerel eylem grubu, Po- 1. Yöredeki yerel ve geleneksel ürünleri daha 2. 2. To enable producers to cooperate and to promote local products in quality food systems, and use of culinary
To enable producers to cooperate and to promote
heritage in rural tourism and agro-tourism, as well
lonya’nın Mazovia Bölgesi’nde bulunan altı etkin bir şekilde pazarlamak için güçlü bir rural entrepreneurs, farmers and producers involved heritage in rural tourism and agro-tourism, as well as as
rural entrepreneurs, farmers and producers involved
workshops dedicated to the production of cheese and
kırsal alanı kapsamaktadır. Yerel eylem gru- marka oluşturmak, in the production of high quality traditional and workshops dedicated to the production of cheese and
related products, and a workshop dedicated to marketing
in the production of high quality traditional and
bu, 2008’den bu yana Kırsal Kalkınma Prog- 2. Üreticilerin işbirliği yapmalarını teşvik et- regional products using traditional methods and related products, and a workshop dedicated to marketing
and branding of traditional products.
regional products using traditional methods and
ramı’nın bir parçası olup, bölgenin çekiciliğini mek ve geleneksel yöntemlerle üretim recipes. and branding of traditional products.
ve ekonomik kalkınmasını arttırmayı hedef- yapan yöresel ürün ve yemek üretimi sek- 4. Organisation of a culinary contest
4. Organisation of a culinary contest
To organise activities to show residents of rural
leyen bir dizi faaliyet organize etmiştir. Bunu törlerinde faaliyet gösteren kırsal girişim- 3. To organise activities to show residents of rural The best dishes and traditional products made using
Southern Mazovia the possibilities for setting up
yaparken de bölgenin eşsiz doğal, kültürel ve cileri desteklemek, Southern Mazovia the possibilities for setting up The best dishes and traditional products made using
‘Przytycki peppers’ were nominated for the culinary
tarihi varlıklarını öne çıkaran etkinlikler dü- businesses related to the production of regional ‘Przytycki peppers’ were nominated for the culinary
businesses related to the production of regional
products. The activities would allow them to develop
zenlenmiştir. 3. Yöre sakinlerine yöresel ürünlerin üretimi products. The activities would allow them to develop contest.
ile ilgili iş kurma olanakları sağlamak, knowledge, skills and qualifications in manufacturing,
“Mazovia Mutfak Mirası Yolu” projenin önemli knowledge, skills and qualifications in manufacturing,
along with developing a marketing plan to promote
bileşenlerinden biridir. Proje, Radomka Vadi- 4. Ürünleri tanıtmak için bir pazarlama faali- along with developing a marketing plan to promote
si’nin en iyi yöresel ürünleri için yerel ürünler, yetlerinin yanı sıra imalatta bilgi, beceri ve products.
faaliyetler organize etmeye ve girişimcileri tekniklerini geliştirmelerine yönelik faali- 4. To build a network and Culinary Heritage Trail of
To build a network and Culinary Heritage Trail of
desteklemeye odaklanmıştır. Aynı zamanda yetler düzenlemek, Mazovia, which will make traditional and regional
Mazovia, which will make traditional and regional
hem geleneksel hem de bölgesel tarımsal 5. Daha fazla müşteri çekmek amacıyla ge- production more visible to attract more customers.
production more visible to attract more customers.
ürünlere yönelik etkinliklere katılmıştır. Pro- leneksel ve yöresel üretimin bilinirliğini ar-
jenin hedefleri sırasıyla şöyledir; tıracak bir yerel ağ (Mazovia Mutfak Mirası A Accttiivviittiieess
A Accttiivviittiieess
Yolu) oluşturmaktır. 1. Promotion of local and traditional products.
Detaylı bilgi için: 1. Promotion of local and traditional products. Participation in the Fair of Tastes of the Regions, which
was organised in Poznan on the 24-27 September 2016.
Participation in the Fair of Tastes of the Regions, which A
was organised in Poznan on the 24-27 September 2016. A
stand was set up under the theme of ‘Mazovian fragrant
stand was set up under the theme of ‘Mazovian fragrant
pepper’ where ‘Przytycki peppers’ were promoted along
pepper’ where ‘Przytycki peppers’ were promoted along