
Support From IPARD, Experience From Us. The Result; Here Is Our Hotel

Beneficiary : Ethem Şenel

My name is Ethem Şenel, I am the manager of Hotel Laga de Salda and I am a 40 year old IPARD beneficiary. Our hotel is on the shore of Lake Salda in Burdur. This is a rare lake allowing swimming and there is tourism potential at this place. My father founded our hotel in 1989, however, we could not operate it for 20 years due to financial problems. Later on, we applied for IPARD supports and we are now on the pitch. I searched for the supports when we decided to revive the hotel. The IPARD support is the most convenient one among other means. My searches on press gave me an idea and I decided to apply the ARDSI Provincial Coordination Unit. Searching every detail before realizing your investment and being prepared to surprises are the most significant part of this process. We made our calculations on how much we have to spend. As we have already some experience, we submitted our project within our capacity limits. The fact that there is a grant support in front of us but we should be capable of undertake the half of the expenditures should not be forgotten. We have restorated the hotel by maintaining its previous style. We started with the idea of ‘the luxury is limitless but presenting a warm and comfortable atmosphere is important’ and we completed our investment. We have 9 employees but my brother, mother, father and I are also involved in the work. Presently we have around 70% of occupancy and in the coming years we expect full occupancy levels as a result of increasing level of recognition. Recently Lake Salda is becoming more popular, during summer, bird observers and people interested in cycle touring; during winter skiers prefer this location. We set to work with a modest budget and we can apply again for restoration if necessary. Solar energy investment is also in our mind. Many people call us to learn about our experiences and I recommend them to work in discipline and decide wisely. Do not only apply for taking advantage of the grant support. I also advise them to figure out the necessary documents and aspects of the facility carefully, especially for tourism facilities. I also encourage them to be a part of the IPARD investment family.

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Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr